I don’t feel like I ate enough ice cream this summer. I can’t believe it’s already September; I swear summer just started. And in my mind, the summer was going to involve eating a whole lot more ice cream than I did. But I started a new job at the start of the summer and I didn’t take any summer holidays so overall I felt a bit less summery than usual. So summer felt busy, and I spent a lot of summer slightly worrying (about things like, should we buy an air filter for our increasingly regular wildfire season that brings an unpredictable number of days of smoky, sooty air each summer? And, how exactly do I do my new job? And how can we stop the raccoons that, while very charming to look at, have decided to use our tiny shed roof as a bathroom - FYI it’s surprisingly dangerous). The summer zoomed by without quite as much frolic and ice cream and lake swimming as would have been ideal. I mean, I certainly ate some ice cream, just not in the kind of summery, near-daily quantities that I had dreamed about.
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