French 75s are named after a gun, which seems odd when you consider the bubbly, light, dainty qualities of the drink. Especially if you actually look at the gun, which is in fact a small cannon. But the french 75 is powerful; the combination of gin and champagne delivers a powerful kick, apparently evocative of the feeling of being shelled with a mid-sized cannon. I have thankfully never experienced the cannon shelling, but the kick of the cocktail is quite nice.
I have altered the classic a little, swapping out prosecco for the usual champagne and adding a blackberry syrup rather than simple syrup. The blackberries make the cocktail feel extra summery to me and turn the cocktails a lovely ruby jewel tone.
blackberry french 75s:
- one bottle prosecco
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- one cup blackberries
- gin
- 1/2 cup fine sugar
Mix one part lemon juice, one part water and two parts sugar over medium heat until sugar dissolves. Set aside to cool.
In a food processor, combine sugar syrup and blackberries; process blackberries are fully puréed. Strain through a fine mesh strainer to remove seeds.
In champagne flutes or coupé glasses pour one shot of gin, one shot of lemon-blackberry syrup and fill up the rest of the glass with prosecco.
Photo credits: Tyrel Hiebert